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LIVE RADIO! Richard Falk on Biden, Gaza; Philip Kraske on RFK Jr., Gaza, and His New Play “How Far Casablanca”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at

First hour: Richard Falk, Princeton International Law Professor Emeritus, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss his recent article on Biden’s worldview (and competence or lack thereof), and the Gaza genocide.

Memorable quote: “The Netanyahu invitation (to once again address a Joint Session of Congress) is an edifying metaphor that confirms the dark foreboding of skeptics like myself critical of the US global role since the end of the Cold War and deeply pessimistic about the future of the country.”

Richard Falk has been repeatedly and ineptly attacked for daring to come on my show and discuss third-rail topics.  He has positively reviewed David Ray Griffin’s work on 9/11, served as UN Special Rapporteur to Palestine, and earned a reputation as an accomplished American academician of rare courage and integrity.

Second hour: Philip Kraske discusses his new set-in-Morocco play How Far Casablanca. Unlike the Bogart-Bacall film, it is not romantic war propaganda set in an exotic location, but rather a black comedy involving outrageous media lies covering up horrendous crimes of state (a genre Kraske has mined more than once). The underlying theme involves naive America, psychopathic Israel, and long-suffering Palestine. It’s a tight, well-constructed effort. If I ever teach a college class on red-pilled literature—an ever-unlikelier prospect—I’ll put this one on the syllabus.

We’ll also talk about Phil’s articles on RFK Jr.’s prospects and perceptions of Putin and Russia.

Philip Kraske is an expatriate American novelist, playwright, poet, and language teacher.

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